Building Military Power: Deploying EaaS Microgrids Using Private Capital at Military Installations

Deploying microgrids is a key resilience objective for the DoD. Existing EUL and PPA procurement authorities for microgrids can be combined into an Energy as a Service procurement model. The EaaS model draws from the EUL’s authority to execute land leases for the siting of energy infrastructure (microgrids) on DoD installations. It also draws from the PPA’s authority that enables a energy developer to contract with a DoD agency by selling energy in exchange for its services in financing, designing, building, owning, operating, and maintaining energy infrastructure.
Transit Agencies: Gain a competitive advantage for your Lo-No application

Are you a transit agency applying for the Low-No NOFO? Did you include charging and energy infrastructure in your application? Since FTA guidelines allow partnerships, including a proven energy and sustainability partner like AlphaStruxure can help your zero-emissions project stand right out.Oh. And you can bypass the RFP process while you’re at it. Learn how you can gain a competitive advantage for your Lo-No application and see how we can applying match funds to help you achieve your ambitious decarbonization goals.
Protecting data center availability with microgrids

Microgrids for DataCenters. AFCOM Journal asks, “Is this emerging technology worth the hype?” Nicole Geneau, AlphaStruxure SVP, Development, maps out 5 reasons to deploy microgrids for data center availability and shares an infrastructure refresh case study.
Think the Energy Transition is Years Away? The Inflation Reduction Act Changed That.

Decarbonization is more attainable than ever with the Inflation Reduction Act. A big boost for microgrids, manufacturing, buildings and electric vehicles.