The “hard to decarb” sector will block the nation’s drive to net zero by 2050

Industrial processes, commercial and residential buildings, and agriculture need national, state, and corporate initiatives to achieve the US’s goal of net zero by 2050.
Energy as a Service ‘EaaS’: A new model for decarbonizing the cement industry

Demand for ESG-focused investments has grown markedly in recent years amidst growing environmental, social, political and financial pressures. For heavy emitters, like cement, however, committing to net-zero standards is much easier said than done.
Electric bus and charging depot in Maryland is a national example for clean energy P3s

The Brookville Smart Energy Bus Depot is a shining example of how society’s transition to clean energy will simultaneously create good paying jobs, reduce carbon emissions and fortify critical infrastructure.
Public private partnerships for decarbonization

An infrastructure first approach can not only help to overcome grid capacity constraints, but also help to strengthen the resilience and sustainability of the electricity supply. Additionally, a public-private partnership can address funding challenges through an Energy as a Service model.
Opinion: Microgrids can reduce fires and blackouts in California. Why aren’t we using them?

The private sector is ready to invest in California’s energy transition, but the state’s regulatory environment is outdated.
Charging as a Service vs. Energy as a Service – Which will support widespread ZEV fleet adoption?

Developing on-site electrification infrastructure may not be as quick as plugging a charger into the utility’s supply, but with the emergence of Energy as a Service as a larger umbrella to capture all of the backend infrastructure required to transition to a clean fleet, it no longer has to be more expensive and complicated for the fleet owner.
3 Myths of School Bus Fleet Electrification

With already constrained budgets, it’s important to arm school districts with the insight they need to make smart and strategic electrification investments.
Why Decentralized Systems are the Immediate Path Forward for America’s Energy Goals

With the emergence of new private financing vehicles that can be coupled with federal and state grants and incentives, microgrids are an increasingly economically viable solution proven to deliver infrastructure wins nationwide.
The Brookville Smart Energy Bus Depot – A New Direction – Nuanced

Transportation electrification has a new option in the Energy as a Service solution, with several nuanced benefits and outcomes outside of sustainable, resilient power.
Manufacturing Revitalization Depend on Conquering Energy Challenges

Forward-looking organizations are thinking about energy as a key factor in their market competitiveness and seeking solutions to overcome the capital and risk barriers that come with energy infrastructure upgrades.